Trevor Meadows Full stack web developer

A little about myself

Hi, I'm Trevor

Thanks for taking the time to stop by, glad you could join me! I come from a construction background where it was clear that determination and dedication were essential in order to build something worth being proud of. After getting a taste for coding, I knew that it was absolutley no different. The expressive nature of manifesting ideas through coding is what excites me the most. Constructing websites and web applications is a passion that I'm glad I get to share; And the community, one im glad to be a part of. After all, the internet landscape would be pretty bare if no one were building it.

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My toolkit


I use MongoDB with Mongoose for storing and retrieving data through database queries. I really enjoy the object styled structure that parses as json for easier use in JavaScript projects. .


Express is a fantastic middleware for Node.js that has great routing when working with CRUD applications as well as a host of other beneficial contributions.


Developing in React, paired with Redux for larger applications, through the use of jsx, which combines aspects of HTML and JavaScript into pieces known as components, is one of my most preferred ways to develop applications.


The server side of JavaScript, node, has unbelievable amounts of functionality. Communication between the server and client side is a lot easier through the use of the same language. Fast, lightweight, and versatile, node is my go to back end technology.


HTML is truly the backbone of the web, as it's found in, and makes up every webpage. With nice new features available in HTML5, as well as the BEM style of writing, HTML is still a skill to be masterful of.


Laying out a web page or application is becoming easier and faster with greater control and greater browser support through the help of flex-box and CSS-grid. Paired with a preprocessor such as Sass or Less, CSS becomes a very manageable beast full of possibilities.


JavaScript is taking over. The versatility of this high-level language is seeing potential in almost any technical environment. As the new features of ES6 continue to improve the language, its frameworks continue to improve the functionality.


Version control using Git is how I keep projects organized and documented. Having a working knowledge of Git is paramount to contributing to repositories and is a staple in the workflow of developing anything.



Detail Devil

  • Node with express for backend
  • MongoDB with mongoose for storing info
  • React used for table navigation
  • Session stored in db for auth


  • MySQL used for database storage
  • Node with express for backend
  • Cloudinary used for image storage
  • Google Maps API embedded


  • Google oauth used for signing in
  • Ticket Master API incorperated
  • Javascript with Jquery for dom manipulation
  • Google Maps API embedded